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홈 제품소개


신호증폭기 ST-DF300

  • 배송비배송지역에 따라 책정 (5만원 이상 무료배송)
  • 배송정보평균 3일이내 발송(토,일,공휴일제외)
  • 수량


  The ST-DF300 Series high precision, as the sensitivity dynamic signal amplifier independence or majority (Multi-channel) it will put in to the 19" rack case and it will be able to use and it is planned. The voltage signal which is output comes to become rate (GAIN) until 1 ~ 1000 boats, answer back frequency the maximum 100kHz, the Low Pass Filter is becoming at 10Hz ~ 10kHz.


- Fully adjustable calibrated gain from 1 to 1000
- Four-frequency low-pass active filter
- Higher Input Impedance
- Outputs Voltage Display
- Auto Zero set by push button


Input Max ±12V
Input Impedance 50MΩ
Calibration Gold gilding switch
Gain (Max 1000) Switch : 1,10,100,400,1000
Span : 1~11, ±0.1% accuracy, FINE Adjust
Linearity ±0.005%
Stability ±0.01%/℃
Common Mode DC : 130dB
AC 60Hz gain 1000 : 125dB
Bandwith 100kHz(-3dB) at gain 1000
Filter 10Hz,100Hz,1kHz,10kHz,WB
Butterworth response -12dB/Oct
Outputs Tow grounding output
±10V at 100mA, ±10V at 20mA
Power 110,220 VAC
±10%, 50~60Hz
Display 4 Dig LED
Zero set range Adjustment by 10 turns VR (10%)
Operating Temperature -10℃ ~ 60℃


※ 괄호 (46)의 치수는 판넬용이며, 주문시 요청바랍니다.

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